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Decode the mysteries of our menstrual hormones

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menstrual hormones

The menstrual cycle and hormones are inseparable.  Each of our cycles is punctuated by a real hormonal dance. Knowing the hormones of the menstrual cycle and understanding the different actors involved, allows us to better live this period and anticipate changes.

The 4 main hormones in the cycle

1. Estrogen: This key hormone is responsible for the thickening of the uterus and maturation of the egg. It is increasing during the follicular phase.

2. Progesterone: Secreted after ovulation, it prepares the uterus to receive an embryo. Progesterone levels drop before menstruation.

3. FSH (follicle stimulating hormone): Produced by the pituitary gland, it stimulates ovarian follicular growth at the beginning of the cycle.

4. LH (luteinizing hormone): Its peak triggers ovulation in the middle of a cycle. It is also involved in the formation of the yellow body.

The influence of hormones on our mood and body

Hormones fluctuate and evolve throughout the cycle according to their attributions:

* During the menstrual period, 4 hormones are lowered to allow blood flow.

* During the follicular phase, estrogen rise gives us energy and creativity.

* Around ovulation, the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and estrogen give us a libidinal boost.

* In the luteal phase, progesterone can cause breast tension, fatigue and mood swings.

Mastering the temporality of hormonal variations allows better to anticipate physical and physiological changes and especially if you have the ability to organize your personal and professional schedule

Taking care of your hormones naturally

Certain lifestyle habits have a positive impact on the hormonal balance:

* Rich in magnesium, zinc, iron and omega-3

* supplementation with magnesium, zinc, iron and omega-3

* The practice of a calming and slow sports activity such as Yoga, meditation 

* Sufficient exposure to natural light 

* Regular physical activity

We must adopt a benevolence towards our body and be more attentive to the body and its variations.

Our hormones can become our best allies!


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